
Wiki Pages[]

Main Info | Cards | Characters | Connections | Character Competition

General Information[]

Sneak Peeks were released July, 2018 via the Game's social media outlets.

Encounter Cards[]

The Duronic Brotherhood - Facebook link.

These are the first mockup designs featuring the full-system of this Cyberpunk solo player card game. Can you guess what the items and icons relate too? 

Duronic brotherhood

"Stay away from our beliefs detective" The Brotherhood are not happy with you and your Rookies line of enquiry and subsequent actions thus far, it is going to take some skill to cool off this aggressive cult.

Character Cards[]

The Professor

These are the first mockup designs featuring the full-system of this Cyberpunk solo player card game. Can you guess what the items and icons relate too? 

The professor

The station has a nickname for you, they call you "The Professor". They think you are the Century's answer to Hercule P. An analysis driven detective you have spent decades uncovering and solving some of the stragest mysteries the underworld of Civitas Nihilium has thrown at you,

Upgrade Cards[]

The Talon Corp built: Haborym Force Lower Arm.

These are the first mockup designs featuring the full-system of this Cyberpunk solo player card game. Can you guess what the items and icons relate too? 

Talon replacement

Talon Replacement

Haborym Force Lower Arm

The touch of perfection combined with strength and precision. This lower forearm and full falangi replacement unit is the rolls royce in strength enhancement, dexterity, and overall reaction. A cutting edge solution for the physical citizen.

Crime Card[]


In Civitas Nihilium the player will shuffle their crime deck and reveal one crime card. A crime has been reported to the station and the detective and their chosen Rookie must go and investigate it...

Cop Card[]


Each crime scene has their own hero. In this city, rapid-forensics, outsiders, the general public and your standard city cops sometimes get to the action before anyone else does. These people are key to your investigation, so it is up to you, and your Rookie, to get the best possible information from these sometimes difficult first responders. Life in Civitas Nihilium is never easy, every industry and public office has its own style of animosity, politics and jealousy - the CN PD is no different.

Witness Card[]


Hundreds of crimes mean hundreds of witnesses. Many get you closer to shelving the mission as complete, others take you further away from it. But one thing can be sure, the citizens of Civitas Nihilium are a weird bunch.


The Civitas Nihilium Prison[]

The lock up for political outcasts, fraudsters, business cheats, city debtors, pubically shamed cult leaders, hacker groups and many other anti-civitas rebels. Situated high above the skyline where the air is brittle, low on oxygen and high in Ion diffusion waste radiation. A term up here, above the clouds, is no vacation.
